Students achieving through Positive Behaviour for Learning
At Park Ridge State School we are proud to be a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school. We also encourage and invite family involvement and feedback on our implementation of PBL.
Backed by 40 years of research, PBL is an evidence-informed framework that promotes positive behaviour across a school and helps develop safe and supportive learning environments.
The PBL approach to behaviour and learning means we have clear and consistent expectations for behaviour which are agreed and shared with the whole school community. We explicitly teach our expectations and then reteach if students do not get it right the first time, just like we would reteach English or Maths if a student needed further understanding or practice.
Teachers also build positive classroom environments and take a proactive approach when students need additional or intensive support to reach their learning outcomes and engage successfully at school.
One of the benefits of using PBL is that it provides universal support to all students across the whole school. We then identify the students who may need additional support such as mentoring or learning modifications, and the smaller number of students who will need intensive support. Importantly, since PBL is a framework, we can add other programs or access services to provide the right support for our students.